Tuesday, June 12, 2012

currently watching channel 8 show
laughing like hell LOL XD
laugh non-stop!

recently, my insomnia is getting worse...
dont know why...
yesterday lie on bed freaking 50 mins!!!! 
eyes still wide open... LOL
then bored TTM 
but luckily friends came to chat with me give me advice
how to get rid of insomnia...
i shall try later... O__O

last time i only lie on bed for about 10-15 mins... then fall asleep,
but then now its getting worse...
but strange, while i was at my aunt house the moment i lie on bed 
i became sleepy... and within mins i would be asleep LOL...
sleeping pills on my aunts Bed? O__O 

but seriously this holiday, 
i had alot of symtoms coming out one by one....
monday first thing woke up...
my left shoulders... 
F****** in pain :X
dont dare to move my shoulder much 

haiz, holiday seriously giving me alot of problems LOL .__.
now my shoulders are still in pain... 
one big red patch...:X 
anyways i will bare the pain luhs... :X 

okay shall stop here 
bye!~ <3

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