Saturday, June 16, 2012

Art outing


Hahs... just finished my watercolor painting that was incomplete during the outing  :P

cause draw too slow :X
went to bukit panjang park for outing
i took more than one hour to do my sketch...
thinking of how to compose this drawing...
a bit of brain storming here and there...
then start to draw but then theres one part i keep drawing wrongly
so that took me about an hour to draw finished :/
but then nvm...
after that let teacher see if theres is anything need to improve on
before proceed to colouring :)
teacher just help me edit a little
and the rest are fine  :)
then proceed to colouring
for about 20 mins?
then times up, i went home
before heading to CCK mrt
went to Lot one's popular to purchase some sketching pencils :)
while walking into the shopping centre an old uncle who was carrying a bagpack
wearing a checkered long sleeve shirt and long pants stopped me
i bet he wanted to ask me to donate money by helping him to buy a pen or a pencil...
as the place was too noisy, i cant get what he is saying...
i just apologise and reject
but then he didnt reply it nicely and just shove the hands to me and walk towards other people
and i assume that i reject him and he ask me to go away? .__.
i was quite amused by his action :(
is this how he treated everyone who rejected the donations?
this gives me a big question mark inside my head :((((

well okay i shall stop here :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

my reviews


Almost getting to go to bed
into my lala land

well yesterday, went to JP's golden village to watch madagascar 3 (3D)
omg so hilarious and interesting
but quite touching also
went with my cousin
actually wanted to watch it @ jcube but then they doesn't showcase 3D for Madagascar 3 :X
so yeah went online to book ticket first...
yesterday was quite a busy morning for me :X
running here and there
actually suppose to take a cab to clementi first but then no cab shall take train
tired Max :X
and we were almost late for our movie
but just in time... O__O

after that went to shop shop around...
then go home
tired enough didn't remove my makeup only remove my lenses and wear back my specs :X
omg... my tired eyes .__.
then couch at my seats
camwhore with my cousin LOL XD
then facebook-ing
etc etc...

okay shall stop here...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My childhood memories ;)

17:36PM <3

tired eyes now :X

yesterday night, went to pasar malam with my cousin to walk walk
for a long time my house MRT station there didn't set-up pasar malam
and for a long time i didn't buy those food from there :x
miss those food much <3
then we saw theres pirate ship at there
so we decided to play on the ride LOL
all are children XD
but the uncle who is selling the ticket told us he even a 16 years old teenagers also playing
and i was like WOW im also 16 lehs, and some more my cousin 20 plus
so together take the ride... like a funny eh? .__.
both of us sit opposite facing each other...
then start swinging... we thought that it is only around that height...
but while we were on the ride... it more than that
we were laughing like mad up there...
after that went around to buy some food and eat
but those food prices went up... quite ex...
then went back to MRT station to get our Gong Cha ;)
my favorite drink of all :)
milk tea with extra pearl Whee!~~~
and almost 2/3 of the milk tea is filled with pearls ;)

after that went home (of course)
then couch on sofa watch TV O__O

okay. Enough.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bad "illness" approaching me :X

22:06PM :)

just watched finished watching "yours  fatefully"
hahax nice show ;)
nice story line...

Hmmm...recently a lot of "illness" approaching me .__.
like backache (which last time i normally have)
this has stopped for a long time
then shoulder injury, as last sunday i went for my art outing at marina bay there...
after finished my art i was walking around to take some pic...
in order to carry my DSLR to take picture...
i stuff all my art material and other thing all into my that "small bag"
and which is quite heavy...
no choice it is very inconvenient to carry an extra bag on my hand while taking picture
so just stuff all into one bag... O__O
which the next day...
my left shoulder was in pain...
which i dont dare to move... .__.
i ask my  mother to help me “刮痧”
which every time works a lot for my backache... .__.
but this time doesn't recover that fast...
now still have not fully recover...
this thing is really killing me every night... -__-
i was lying on my bed for the whole freaking 50 mins! -.-
nvm... luckily i got my phone then on Facebook nor ... LOL

anyway i must get rid of these three symptoms before school reopens...
freaking killing me much :X

continue facebook-ing ;)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

currently watching channel 8 show
laughing like hell LOL XD
laugh non-stop!

recently, my insomnia is getting worse...
dont know why...
yesterday lie on bed freaking 50 mins!!!! 
eyes still wide open... LOL
then bored TTM 
but luckily friends came to chat with me give me advice
how to get rid of insomnia...
i shall try later... O__O

last time i only lie on bed for about 10-15 mins... then fall asleep,
but then now its getting worse...
but strange, while i was at my aunt house the moment i lie on bed 
i became sleepy... and within mins i would be asleep LOL...
sleeping pills on my aunts Bed? O__O 

but seriously this holiday, 
i had alot of symtoms coming out one by one....
monday first thing woke up...
my left shoulders... 
F****** in pain :X
dont dare to move my shoulder much 

haiz, holiday seriously giving me alot of problems LOL .__.
now my shoulders are still in pain... 
one big red patch...:X 
anyways i will bare the pain luhs... :X 

okay shall stop here 
bye!~ <3

Monday, June 11, 2012

Its 23:39 PM,

but i am still wide awake LOL .__.
bored nothing to do, so just a random blogging hahax  XD

while blogging, i am watching "jump!" 《跳浪》
nice show, part of it are hilarious 
parts of it are meaningful, 
i enjoyed watching it! ^^

today @ tuition 
hilarious and fun! XD
cant help but keep laughing LOL
jokes here and there 
within the one and half hour we can have a lot of jokes...

after tuition walked to JE MRT, go home...
then kenna stalked by a promoter or whoever which is promoting
i think he wanted to ask us to donate money...
but i dont really understand what he is talking 
quite noisy out there :X 

but then i think the real idea of him
is to want us to purchase the pen? 
pay the pen for any value we wanted? 
$4, $6,$10?
i dont know but i dont have money so i rejected LOL
just walked off... 

okay enough of blogging 
going to sleep soon :) 
bye!~ <3

One of my Favorite hobby which is...

i also dont  know what inspired me to like photography a lot but,
i just like it... LOL
seems random...
i make good use of the DSLR to capture good images and scenery
and even enhance the photo it to make it more nicer...
i have friends who have the same hobby as me :)
we went out to have the first photo shoot in this june holiday...
only done a bit but i really like those photos...
and in the mid also enjoying taking photos and enjoying the cool breeze out there ;)
after taking photos, the most important part - editing
adjusting the brightness and the colors of the photos
and even add some Lomo effects on to the image to enhance it
to give a feeling of...(i dont know how to describe).__.

some photos that i have took  ;)

Friday, June 8, 2012

second week holiday

how i spend my second week of the holiday? O__O

quite boring uhs :X
not really as interesting as first week tough...

came back from aunt house,  use computer at home slack abit...
then afterwards heading off to my tuition
before going up to my tuition, i will go  JCUBE to have a walk...haha XD
sort of my routine for every monday? .__.
hahs fav part--- tuition
jokes here and there uhs...
practicing oral...lots of jokes
hahahaha cant help but keep laughing XD
productive monday isnt it? ;)

hmm...went photoshoot with yiling and yinyin :)
went to MBS ^^
stayed outside MBS to take some photo.. and yiling brought her BJD
cute dolls... :)
and after that we went inside the shoppes mall to shop around and finding cafes to have our brunch ^^
actually wanted to go to DBS bank to return a Lost&Found card to them but then the bank is not open yet...
so we just went down to basement to take a look if theres is any starbucks or coffee bean...
theres coffee bean :)
and the three of us ordered "the original mocha" which is my all time fav! ^^ muahaha XD
and ordered waffles, share among the three of us
in the mid of enjoying our mocha and waffles, i was wondering around...
and i saw those direction plates that the ice-skating rink ...
i was curious...wanted to take a look at how big is the rink... :)
so after our brunch... we went there and the ice rink at there is same as JCUBE's one
surrounded with resturants, but is 1/3 of the ice rink's @ JCUBE... .__.
actually wanted to skate at there... but then nobody so forget it
but i suggested that why not we go to JCUBE?
more poeple ? hahs XD
but yiling and yinyin cant go for ice-skating...
so i just go with jeremy and wei heng...
in the mid  of purchasing ticket... we saw Mr Tan or formal maths teacher in 2011
wahaha such a coincidence :)
went in wait for the previous session to end...
then our turn...
went into the ice rink...
too wet,slippery...not use to it first so just hold onto the railings first...
after awhile the water has turned frozen and quite smooth... a suitable timing to skate...
wahaha that time i can finally remove my hands off the railing and skate freely :)
can skate smoothly but cant be fast...
and guess yiling and yian peng came to find us hehe :)
when session almost legs are tired
so went in to take a seat and rest for awhile...
collect my shoes and..
home sweet home :)

lock myself  at home to do some homework...
nothing much

went to seoul garden with my cousin and mummy for dinner :)
enjoyed much!
me and my cousin were crazy-ing here and there and i was the one laughing like hell :)
making alot of jokes :)

hahs...stay at home...
completed my maths homework...

well this is how i spend my second week of the holiday :)
shall stop here
ops long post today uhs ;)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My holiday! ^^


How do i spend my holiday? 
out with friends? 
or maybe slacking at home? O__O
let see what i have for the first week... ^^

1st week:
hmm...basically everyday going back to school for my ART course work :)
but on tuesday - went to watch <ghost on air> with Widy, Elson, Alexie, Yunting, and shirley at West mall cinema... rather scary to me LOL and i was avoiding those scary scenes (WTF!) .___. 
but they said that its nothing, wahaha... ><
not forget every monday english tuition ^^
interesting! and loads of jokes here and there... :)
then friday went to my dearest Aunt house ^^
every week i will be going there to stay overnight have dinner and to relax :)
to accompany her too  hehe ^^
and on Friday night, something funny and silly happen on me .__.
after dinner i was resting on the sofa... and playing with my phone while watching variety show... 
and hand swipe through something that was hard... 
i thought that it was a shell or whatever it is... 
but after that i looked at the space that is in between the sofa...something was moving?
and i looked one more time,
that it is an insect, but why it has such a big mouth? O__O 
i quickly jumped up from the sofa!!! dont know where to run -__-
i quickly ran to basin and wash my Aunt was shocked to see me running about.
i told her that there was a bug inside the sofa! .__. and i told her that there was a bug with a very big mouth >.< 
and my Aunt was laughing at what i had said O__O 
she told me that there is no such bug .__.
and we laughed at this matter for a very long time...
but in the end i found out that there are no such bug with  a "big mouth" but its backside facing me and flapping its wing maybe to get out of the "space"? .w.
so i was scaring myself  :(
but, the bug went deep into the sofa... haha RIP to that bug ;)
and saturday, my cousins and nephew came over to my Aunt house :) 
so happy to see them ^^ haha 
and sunday, i went to Isetan @ orchard, LIDO shaw theatres...
long time didnt went there since their renovation...
use to go there with my Aunt to watch movie last time whenever there is new and interesting movies ^^
their theatre can occupy up to maybe 100+  people at theatre 1?
watched <snow white and the hunts men> 
haha but luckily able to get free ticket to watch this movie and...
comfortable view from my seats haha ><
and more cool is there are 4 more seats which are blocked LOL 
actually the seats that i am sitting were blocked too... 
but they unblocked it wheee!~~~ 
afterthat, home sweet home :)

wahaha this is how i have spent my first week of holiday...
although need to go back to school but i really enjoy ^^
shall stop here, Bye!~