Friday, June 15, 2012

my reviews


Almost getting to go to bed
into my lala land

well yesterday, went to JP's golden village to watch madagascar 3 (3D)
omg so hilarious and interesting
but quite touching also
went with my cousin
actually wanted to watch it @ jcube but then they doesn't showcase 3D for Madagascar 3 :X
so yeah went online to book ticket first...
yesterday was quite a busy morning for me :X
running here and there
actually suppose to take a cab to clementi first but then no cab shall take train
tired Max :X
and we were almost late for our movie
but just in time... O__O

after that went to shop shop around...
then go home
tired enough didn't remove my makeup only remove my lenses and wear back my specs :X
omg... my tired eyes .__.
then couch at my seats
camwhore with my cousin LOL XD
then facebook-ing
etc etc...

okay shall stop here...

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