Friday, June 8, 2012

second week holiday

how i spend my second week of the holiday? O__O

quite boring uhs :X
not really as interesting as first week tough...

came back from aunt house,  use computer at home slack abit...
then afterwards heading off to my tuition
before going up to my tuition, i will go  JCUBE to have a walk...haha XD
sort of my routine for every monday? .__.
hahs fav part--- tuition
jokes here and there uhs...
practicing oral...lots of jokes
hahahaha cant help but keep laughing XD
productive monday isnt it? ;)

hmm...went photoshoot with yiling and yinyin :)
went to MBS ^^
stayed outside MBS to take some photo.. and yiling brought her BJD
cute dolls... :)
and after that we went inside the shoppes mall to shop around and finding cafes to have our brunch ^^
actually wanted to go to DBS bank to return a Lost&Found card to them but then the bank is not open yet...
so we just went down to basement to take a look if theres is any starbucks or coffee bean...
theres coffee bean :)
and the three of us ordered "the original mocha" which is my all time fav! ^^ muahaha XD
and ordered waffles, share among the three of us
in the mid of enjoying our mocha and waffles, i was wondering around...
and i saw those direction plates that the ice-skating rink ...
i was curious...wanted to take a look at how big is the rink... :)
so after our brunch... we went there and the ice rink at there is same as JCUBE's one
surrounded with resturants, but is 1/3 of the ice rink's @ JCUBE... .__.
actually wanted to skate at there... but then nobody so forget it
but i suggested that why not we go to JCUBE?
more poeple ? hahs XD
but yiling and yinyin cant go for ice-skating...
so i just go with jeremy and wei heng...
in the mid  of purchasing ticket... we saw Mr Tan or formal maths teacher in 2011
wahaha such a coincidence :)
went in wait for the previous session to end...
then our turn...
went into the ice rink...
too wet,slippery...not use to it first so just hold onto the railings first...
after awhile the water has turned frozen and quite smooth... a suitable timing to skate...
wahaha that time i can finally remove my hands off the railing and skate freely :)
can skate smoothly but cant be fast...
and guess yiling and yian peng came to find us hehe :)
when session almost legs are tired
so went in to take a seat and rest for awhile...
collect my shoes and..
home sweet home :)

lock myself  at home to do some homework...
nothing much

went to seoul garden with my cousin and mummy for dinner :)
enjoyed much!
me and my cousin were crazy-ing here and there and i was the one laughing like hell :)
making alot of jokes :)

hahs...stay at home...
completed my maths homework...

well this is how i spend my second week of the holiday :)
shall stop here
ops long post today uhs ;)

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